Dharamshala at Haridwar-हरिद्वार में स्थित अच्छे धर्मशालाओ के बारे में जानकारी
Piyush Kumar September , 2024 0Table of Contents
ToggleDharamshala in Haridwar-हरिद्वार में स्थित अच्छे धर्मशालाओ के नाम व् पते
हरिद्वार, गंगा नदी के किनारे बसा एक पवित्र शहर, हिंदुओं के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण तीर्थस्थल है। हर साल लाखों श्रद्धालु इस शहर में आते हैं, गंगा में स्नान करते हैं, मंदिरों में दर्शन करते हैं, और आध्यात्मिक शांति प्राप्त करते हैं।
यदि आप भी हरिद्वार की यात्रा की योजना बना रहे हैं, तो अच्छे धर्मशाला(Dharamshala in Haridwar) का चुनाव महत्वपूर्ण है। धर्मशालाएं न केवल आपको आरामदायक आवास प्रदान करती हैं, बल्कि आपके तीर्थयात्रा अनुभव को भी यादगार बना सकती हैं।
इस ब्लॉग में, हम आपको हरिद्वार में स्थित कुछ अच्छे धर्मशालाओं के बारे में बताएंगे। हम उनकी सुविधाओं, स्थान, और मूल्य निर्धारण पर भी चर्चा करेंगे ताकि आप अपनी आवश्यकताओं के अनुसार सबसे अच्छा विकल्प चुन सकें।
तो, चलिए शुरू करते हैं Best Dharamshala in Haridwar!
Haridwar Dharamshala List-
1- Ekta Bhawan Dharamshala (Near Har Ki Pauri)-एकता भवन धर्मशाला
हर की पौड़ी से सिर्फ 800 मीटर और बस स्टैंड से 3 किमी दूर रिवरफ्रंट पर स्थित हरिद्वार में एकता भवन ac और non-ac कमरे देती है। धर्मशाला से गंगा के सुंदर दृश्य दिखाई देते है यह बहुत अच्छी तरह से बनाई गई है और यहा की साफ– सफाई का पूरा ध्यान रखा जाता है। यहा गर्म पानी और अटैच बाथरूम आपको मिल जाता है।
पता– एकता भवन, भीमगोड़ा, हिरनवाड़ा, हरिद्वार उत्तराखंड– 249401
Distance from-
Haridwar Railway Station – 2.5 km
Jolly Grant Airport(Dehradun) – 36 km
2- Shri Chintamani Ashram Near Har Ki Pauri-श्री चिंतामणी आश्रम हर की पौड़ी के पास
बस स्टैंड से महज 700 मीटर की दूरी पर और हरिद्वार रेलवे स्टेशन से 500 मीटर की दूरी पर है। हर की पौड़ी के पास श्री चिंतामणि आश्रम रिवरफ्रंट पर बना हूआ है। यह पर सस्ती कीमत पर दो और चार बिस्तर वाले कमरे मिल जाते हैं। कमरे साफ और विशाल हैं।
पता– निरंजन अखाडा मार्ग, श्रवणनाथ नगर, हरिद्वार, उत्तराखंड – 249401
3- Sant Mandal Ashram (Near Har Ki Pauri)-संत मंडल आश्रम
बस स्टैंड से 3.5 किलोमीटर दूरी पर बना संत मंडल आश्रम में दो, तीन और चार बिस्तरों वाले ac और non – ac कमरे हैं। हर की पौड़ी के पास, बाजार और खाने की दूकाने भी आसानी से मिल जाती हैं। यह हर की पौड़ी से 1 km की दूरी पर है।
पता– संत मंडल आश्रम, State Bank Of India के पास, भीमगोड़ा, हरिद्वार उत्तराखंड – 249401
4- Swami Premanand Ashram, Haridwar-स्वामी प्रेमानंद आश्रम
स्वामी प्रेमानंद आश्रम में सभी आधुनिक सुविधाओं को शामिल किया गया है। हर एक अतिथि की अच्छी तरह से देखभाल की जाती है और काफी अच्छा माहोल है। अच्छी सुविधाएं और आरामदायक दी जाती है। यहा पर कमरे तीन तरह के दिए जाते है – ac, non – ac, इकोनॉमी रूम शामिल है। बाथरूम में गीजर हैं। इकोनॉमी रूम के साथ वॉश रूम हैं। कुछ कमरों में रसोई की जगह है लेकिन बर्तन नहीं हैं।
पता– निरंजन अखाडा मार्ग, श्रवणनाथ नगर, गुजरांवल भवन के पास हरिद्वार उत्तराखंड-249401
5- Tej Ram Dharam Paul, Haridwar-तेजराम धर्म पाल
यह परिवार के साथ रहने के लिए काफी अच्छी जगह है। होटल सेवाएं और कर्मचारियों का व्यवहार बहुत बढ़िया है, कमरा साफ सुथरे और वॉशरूम मै भी अच्छी सुविधाए उपलब्ध है। कुल मिलाकर यह कम पैसे में अच्छी जगह है। और गुजराती खाना भी यहा मिलता है जो बहुत स्वादिष्ट है ।
पता– भूपतवाला, पुरानी ऋषिकेश रोड, ऋषिकेश रोड निष्काम सेवा ट्रस्ट के पास हरिद्वार उत्तराखंड – 249401
6- Pal Samaj Dharamshala Haridwar-पाल समाज धर्मशाला
हरिद्वार बस स्टैंड से 7 किमी दूर स्थित, पाल समाज धर्मशाला में दो बिस्तरों वाले एसी डीलक्स कमरे हैं। यहां भोजन उपलब्ध है, वाहनों के लिए पार्किंग की जगह है। हर की पैड़ी से यह 4 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर है और वैष्णो देवी मंदिर से 11 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर पड़ता है।
पता– गोपाल समाज धर्मशाला, Plot No.10, G.D. पुरम, भूपतवाला, जैन मंदिर के पास, भूपतवाला, मोतीचूर, हरिद्वार, उत्तराखंड 249411
7- Shri Swami Swatah Prakash Ashram, Haridwar-श्री स्वामी स्वात प्रकाश आश्रम
हरिद्वार के हर की पौड़ी से 3.4 किमी दूर पर श्री स्वामी स्वात प्रकाश आश्रम में दो बिस्तरों वाले ac कमरे हैं। पास में उपलब्ध भोजन सुविधा, धर्मशाला अच्छी तरह से बनी हूई और हर तरह की सुविधाए है। यह हरिद्वार रेलवे स्टेशन और बस अड्डे दोनों से 5 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर पड़ता है।
पता– रानी गली, मोतीचूर, मोतीचूर रेंज, 249410
8- Jhang Bhawan, Haridwar-झांग भवन
बस स्टैंड से 6 किमी दूरी पर झांग भवन एक शांत क्षेत्र में बनी बहुत अच्छी धर्मशाला है। शांतिकुंज के पास, यहां कमरे साफ और बड़े हैं। भोजन उपलब्ध हैं, जिससे यह परिवारों के लिए सुविधाजनक हो जाता है। हर की पौड़ी से यह 4 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर पड़ता है और हरिद्वार रेलवे स्टेशन से 6.5 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर पड़ता है।
पता– भूपतवाला, ऋषिकेश रोड, हरिद्वार उत्तराखंड 249 411.
9- Lala Chandanlal Sevasadan (Near Har Ki Pauri)- लाल चंदन लाल सेवासदन हर की पौड़ी के पास
बस स्टैंड से 3.5 किमी की दूरी पर है , लाला चंदनलाल सेवासदन ac और non – ac कमरे देता है जो परिवारों के लिए कमरों में अच्छी व्यवस्था है। भोजन और बाकी की जरूरतों के लिए पास में बाजार उपलब्ध हैं। हर की पौड़ी से यह 1 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर स्थित है। भारत माता मंदिर और शांतिकुंज लगभग 3 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर ही पड़ते हैं।
पता– लाला चंदन लाल सेवासदन, खरखड़ी हरिद्वार, उत्तराखंड– 249401
10- Tulsi Manas Mandir, Haridwar-तुलसी मानस मंदिर
हर की पौड़ी से 2.7 किमी दूर है। तुलसी मानस मंदिर में चार, पांच, छह, नौ बिस्तर वाले non – ac कमरे हैं। पास में उपलब्ध खाने की सुविधा, धर्मशाला अच्छी और साफ है। यहां पार्किंग की सुविधा उपलब्ध है। हरिद्वार रेलवे स्टेशन और हरिद्वार बस स्टैंड से यह 4 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर पड़ता है। मानसा देवी मंदिर, भारत माता मंदिर और शांतिकुंज भी इसके नजदीक ही पड़ते हैं।
पता– सप्त सरोवर रोड, श्री राम मंदिर के पास, हरिद्वार, उत्तराखंड– 249410
11- Jodhpur Bhavan, Haridwar-जोधपुर भवन, हरिद्वार
हरिद्वार बस स्टैंड से 5 किमी दूर स्थित, जोधपुर भवन धर्मशाला नंबर 2 में दो बिस्तरों वाले ac और non-ac कमरे के साथ–साथ डोरमेट्री भी है। भोजनालय में भोजन उपलब्ध है। यहां वाहनों के लिए पार्किंग की जगह भी है। हर की पौड़ी से यह 2.5 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर है । भारतमाता मंदिर और शांति कुंज पास ही पड़ते हैं।
पता – जोधपुर भवन धर्मशाला नंबर -2, मोतीचूर रेलवे स्टेशन के सामने, खन्ना होटल के पीछे मोतीचूर, निष्काम सेवा ट्रस्ट के सामने हरिद्वार उत्तराखंड– 249411
12- Narsingh Bhavan Haridwar Trust Dharmshala, Haridwar-नर्सिंग भवन, हरिद्वार ट्रस्ट धर्मशाला हरिद्वार
धर्मशाला आपको आधुनिक सुख सुविधाएं प्रदान करती है तो आपको रहने में आरामदायक महसूस कराती है जिसमें आपको साफ सुथरे और फर्निचर वाले कमरे मिलते हैं जो की ac और non- ac दोनों तरह के है। स्वादिष्ट और शुद्ध शाकाहारी भोजन मिलता है। मेडिकल की फैसिलिटीज भी मिलती है। फ्री में हेल्थ चेकअप कैंप भी लगता है, वहाँ भी आप इसका लाभ उठा सकते हैं। पार्किंग की सेवा मुफ्त उपलब्ध है। घर जैसा एक मैत्रीपूर्ण वातावरण आपको यहाँ पर मिलता है।
पता– अपर रोड, रामघाट, हरिद्वार, उत्तराखंड 249401
Jaipuria Dharamshala in Haridwar
Jaipuria Atithi Bhawan
Address: Ram Ghat Road, Haridwar, Uttarakhand 249401, India
Established in 1970, Jaipuria Atithi Bhawan is a well-known and affordable guest house in Haridwar’s holy town. It offers comfortable accommodation and a serene atmosphere, making it ideal for pilgrims and tourists visiting Haridwar.
The guest house features various rooms, including single, double, and family rooms. All rooms are well-maintained and have basic amenities like beds, chairs, and fans. Some rooms also have attached bathrooms with hot and cold water supply.
The prices of the rooms vary depending on the type of room, season, and availability. However, they are generally affordable, especially compared to other hotels and guesthouses in Haridwar. Here’s a general range of prices:
- Single Room: ₹500 – ₹1000 per night
- Double Room: ₹1000 – ₹1500 per night
- Family Room: ₹1500 – ₹2000 per night
- The guest house has a 24-hour reception to assist guests with their needs.
- It also has a common room where guests can relax and socialize.
- Additionally, the guest house provides pure vegetarian meals at an additional cost.
Things to do nearby:
The Jaipuria Atithi Bhawan is located in a convenient location, close to many of Haridwar’s popular attractions. Some of the things you can do nearby include:
- Visit the Har Ki Pauri, the main ghat along the Ganges River.
- Explore Mansa Devi Temple, a Hindu temple dedicated to the goddess Mansa.
- Take a dip in the holy water of the Ganges River.
- Attend an evening aarti ceremony at Har Ki Pauri.
Tayal dharamshala in Haridwar
Tayal Dharamshala is a budget-friendly accommodation option in Haridwar, known for its clean rooms, friendly staff, and proximity to various religious sites. Here’s a detailed description of the Dharamshala:
The Dharamshala is situated on Main Haridwar Rishikesh Road, strategically located near several key points of interest:
- Distance:
- Approximately 2 km from Har Ki Pauri, the main ghat along the Ganges River.
- Around 2 km from Saptarshi Ghat, another popular ghat.
- Landmark:Located near National Highway connecting Haridwar and Rishikesh.
Tayal Dharamshala offers various room options to suit different needs and budgets:
- Room Types:Single, double, and four-bed rooms.
- Amenities:All rooms come with attached baths and basic amenities like beds, chairs, and fans. Some rooms might have additional features like TVs.
Prices for rooms are generally considered affordable, but the exact cost might vary depending on the season, room type, and availability. It is recommended to contact the Dharamshala directly for the most recent information.
Website: https://tayaldharamshala.business.site/
Additional Information:
- Food:While some reviews mention the availability of meals, it’s advisable to confirm this directly with the Dharamshala as information might be outdated.
- Reviews:The Dharamshala generally receives positive reviews from visitors, praising its cleanliness, friendly staff, and convenient location.
Aggarwal dharamshala in Haridwar
There are several Aggarwal Dharamshalas in Haridwar, each offering a slightly different experience. Here are details on two of the most popular ones:
- Agarwal Bhawan, Haridwar
- Address:Near Primary School, SBI ATM Ke Samne, Mukhiya Gali, Old, Rishikesh Rd, Bhoopatwala, Haridwar, Uttarakhand 249410, India
- Description:Established by the Maharaja Agarsen Sewa Sadan Trust, Aggarwal Bhawan is a cultural hub and dharamshala known for its peaceful and spiritual environment.
- Accommodation:Offers a variety of rooms, including AC and non-AC options. They are known for their cleanliness and comfort.
- Price:Generally considered affordable, with prices varying depending on the room type and season.
- Additional Information:
- Provides meals at an additional cost.
- Has a small temple dedicated to Lord Shiva and Lord Rama within the premises.
- Offers hot water facilities 24 hours a day.
- Agrawal Dharamshala (Bhupatwala)
- Address: Bhoopatwala – Khadkhadi Rd, Haridwar, Uttarakhand 249401, India
- Description:This dharamshala is known for its budget-friendly accommodation and is situated in the Bhupatwala area of Haridwar.
- Accommodation:Offers basic rooms with shared or attached bathrooms.
- Price:Considered to be very affordable.
- Additional Information:
- Limited information available online. It’s advisable to contact them directly for details on amenities and availability.
Aggarwal dharamshala in Haridwar
There are several Aggarwal Dharamshalas in Haridwar, each offering a slightly different experience. Here are details on two of the most popular ones:
- Agarwal Bhawan, Haridwar
- Address:Near Primary School, SBI ATM Ke Samne, Mukhiya Gali, Old, Rishikesh Rd, Bhoopatwala, Haridwar, Uttarakhand 249410, India
- Description:Established by the Maharaja Agarsen Sewa Sadan Trust, Aggarwal Bhawan is a cultural hub and dharamshala known for its peaceful and spiritual environment.
- Accommodation:Offers a variety of rooms, including AC and non-AC options. They are known for their cleanliness and comfort.
- Price:Generally considered affordable, with prices varying depending on the room type and season.
- Additional Information:
- Provides meals at an additional cost.
- Has a small temple dedicated to Lord Shiva and Lord Rama within the premises.
- Offers hot water facilities 24 hours a day.
- Agrawal Dharamshala (Bhupatwala)
- Address: Bhoopatwala – Khadkhadi Rd, Haridwar, Uttarakhand 249401, India
- Description:This dharamshala is known for its budget-friendly accommodation and is situated in the Bhupatwala area of Haridwar.
- Accommodation:Offers basic rooms with shared or attached bathrooms.
- Price:Considered to be very affordable.
- Additional Information:
- Limited information available online. It’s advisable to contact them directly for details on amenities and availability.
Dharamshala in Haridwar near har ki pauri with price
There are several Aggarwal Dharamshalas in Haridwar, each offering a slightly different experience. Here are details on two of the most popular ones:
- Agarwal Bhawan, Haridwar
- Address:Near Primary School, SBI ATM Ke Samne, Mukhiya Gali, Old, Rishikesh Rd, Bhoopatwala, Haridwar, Uttarakhand 249410, India
- Description:Established by the Maharaja Agarsen Sewa Sadan Trust, Aggarwal Bhawan is a cultural hub and dharamshala known for its peaceful and spiritual environment.
- Accommodation:Offers a variety of rooms, including AC and non-AC options. They are known for their cleanliness and comfort.
- Price:Generally considered affordable, with prices varying depending on the room type and season.
- Additional Information:
- Provides meals at an additional cost.
- Has a small temple dedicated to Lord Shiva and Lord Rama within the premises.
- Offers hot water facilities 24 hours a day.
- Agrawal Dharamshala (Bhupatwala)
- Address: Bhoopatwala – Khadkhadi Rd, Haridwar, Uttarakhand 249401, India
- Description:This dharamshala is known for its budget-friendly accommodation and is situated in the Bhupatwala area of Haridwar.
- Accommodation:Offers basic rooms with shared or attached bathrooms.
- Price:Considered to be very affordable.
- Additional Information:
- Limited information available online. It’s advisable to contact them directly for details on amenities and availability.
Jain dharamshala in Haridwar
Here are some Jain dharamshalas in Haridwar:
Shri Chintamani Parshwanath Jain Shwetamber Mandir:
- Address:Rishikesh Rd, Near Shantikunj, Haridwar, Uttarakhand 249410, India
- Description:This Jain dharamshala is located near Shantikunj and offers a temple and dharamshala facilities.
- Price:
- Attached Non-AC Room: ₹500 (2 Person)
- Attached Non-AC Room: ₹800 (5 Person)
- Attached Hall: ₹1100 (15 Person)
- Attached Hall: ₹2000 (25 Person)
- Attached Hall: ₹2500 (30 Person)
Jain Dharamshala (Near Birla Ghat):
- Address:Near Birla Ghat, Haridwar, Uttarakhand 249401, India
- Description:This Jain dharamshala is situated near Birla Ghat and offers basic accommodation facilities.
- Price:Information not available online. It’s recommended to contact them directly for details on pricing and availability.
Sukhdham Yatri Bhavan:
- Address:Near Arya Samaj Mandir, Haridwar, Uttarakhand 249401, India
- Description:This dharamshala is known for its spacious and clean rooms and offers a peaceful stay for Jain visitors.
Sindhi dharamshala in Haridwar
Here are some Sindhi dharamshalas in Haridwar:
Sindh Panchayat Dharamshala:
- Address: Bharat Mata Mandir, Near Railway Station Rd, Haridwar, Uttarakhand 249401, India
- Description:This dharamshala is located near the railway station and Har Ki Pauri. It offers clean and neat rooms with basic amenities and meals served in the Bhojanshala (dining hall).
Sindh Samaj Dharamshala:
- Address:SH 49, Haridwar, Uttarakhand 249401, India
- Description:This dharamshala is located on the main highway and offers a variety of room options, including single, double, and family rooms. It also has a restaurant serving Sindhi cuisine.
Swami Lilashah Sindhi Dharamshala:
- Address:Chitra Cinema Galli, Near Suvidha Hotel, Haridwar, Uttarakhand 249401, India
- Description:This dharamshala is located near the main market area and offers clean and comfortable rooms at affordable prices.
Dharamshala in Haridwar near Ganga Ghat
Several dharamshalas in Haridwar are situated near the various Ganga ghats, offering convenient access to the holy river and a peaceful atmosphere. Here are a few options to consider, categorized by their proximity to specific ghats:
Near Har Ki Pauri:
- Shri Hanuman Dharamshala:Known for its budget-friendly rooms and proximity to the main ghat, Har Ki Pauri. (Approximate price: Starting at ₹300 per night)
- Shri Laxmi Narayan Dharamshala:Offers clean and basic rooms close to Har Ki Pauri. (Approximate price: Starting at ₹400 per night)
- Birla Dharamshala:Provides comfortable rooms and a serene environment near Har Ki Pauri. (Approximate price: Starting at ₹500 per night)
Near Mansa Devi Temple:
- Ganga Sadan Dharamshala:Offers a peaceful stay close to Mansa Devi Temple and the ghat. (Approximate price: Starting at ₹600 per night)
- Moti Dharamshala:Provides basic accommodation near Mansa Devi Temple and the ghat. (Approximate price: Starting at ₹700 per night)
Near other ghats:
- Ekta Bhawan Dharamshala:Situated near Rajaji National Park and close to the ghat.
- Shanti Kunj Bhawan:Offers budget-friendly rooms near Vishnu Ghat.
Maheshwari dharamshala in Haridwar
There are two main Maheshwari dharamshalas in Haridwar:
- Shri Akhil Bharatiya Maheshwari Seva Sadan:This dharamshala is located at Dodadhari Chowk, Rishikesh Rd, Haridwar, and is about 3.4 km from Har Ki Pauri. It offers a variety of room options, including AC and non-AC rooms, as well as meals, parking, and other amenities. On their website, you can find more information about the dharamshala, including booking details.
- Dharmshala Seth Satram Das Maheshwari:This dharamshala is located near Haridwar, Uttarakhand. It has a rating of 3.1 stars on Google with 24 reviews. However, less information is available online about this dharamshala compared to Shri Akhil Bharatiya Maheshwari Seva Sadan.
Marwari dharamshala in Haridwar
Here are a few options:
- Marwari Swarnkaron Ki Dharamshala:This establishment is located in Birla Ghat, Haridwar, and has received a 3.9 rating on Justdial. While details are sparse online, it is likely a dharamshala offering basic accommodations for pilgrims.
- Hotel Marwari Niwas:This establishment is located near the Mansa Devi Temple and is categorized as a hotel. It offers budget-friendly rooms with basic amenities, and some reviews mention it being suitable for pilgrims.
- Sri Marwari Kali Kamli Panchayat:This establishment is not specifically classified as a dharamshala, but it does offer stay options. It is located near the Laltarao Pul Railway Station in Haridwar.
Sukhdham yatri bhavan dharamshala in Haridwar
Sukhdham Yatri Bhavan Dharamshala is a budget-friendly hotel located in Haridwar, India. It is situated near the banks of the Ganges River, just a short walk from the Har Ki Pauri ghat. The hotel offers a variety of rooms and suites, all of which are equipped with modern amenities. Guests can enjoy a complimentary breakfast each morning, and there is also a restaurant on site that serves delicious Indian cuisine. The hotel also has a swimming pool, a fitness center, and a business center.
Sukhdham Yatri Bhavan Dharamshala is a great choice for travelers who are looking for a comfortable and affordable stay in Haridwar. The hotel is well-located, the staff is friendly and helpful, and the amenities are excellent.
Here are some of the amenities offered by Sukhdham Yatri Bhavan Dharamshala:
- Free breakfast
- Restaurant
- Swimming pool
- Fitness center
- Business center
- Wi-Fi
- Air conditioning
- TV
- Laundry service
- Room service
The hotel is located at the following address:
Sukhdham Yatri Bhavan Dharamshala Near Har Ki Pauri Ghat Haridwar, Uttarakhand 249401 India
5 star dharamshala in haridwar
There are no dharamshalas in Haridwar that are classified as 5-star establishments. Traditionally, dharamshalas are meant to provide simple and affordable lodging for pilgrims and travelers, and they don’t typically offer the luxurious amenities associated with 5-star hotels.
However, there are several high-end hotels located in Haridwar that offer luxurious accommodations and amenities. Here are a few options to consider:
The Haveli Haridwar: This luxurious hotel is located on the banks of the Ganges River and offers stunning views of the Himalayas. It features a spa, a swimming pool, and multiple restaurants serving Indian and international cuisine.
Corbett The Kumaon: This elegant hotel is located in the foothills of the Himalayas and offers a variety of outdoor activities, such as nature walks and bird watching. It features a spa, a swimming pool, and multiple restaurants serving Indian and international cuisine.
Radisson Hotel Haridwar: This modern hotel is located in the heart of Haridwar and is close to many of the city’s most popular attractions. It features a spa, a swimming pool, and multiple restaurants serving Indian and international cuisine.
5 star dharamshala in haridwar
There are no dharamshalas in Haridwar that are classified as 5-star establishments. Traditionally, dharamshalas are meant to provide simple and affordable lodging for pilgrims and travelers, and they don’t typically offer the luxurious amenities associated with 5-star hotels.
However, there are several high-end hotels located in Haridwar that offer luxurious accommodations and amenities. Here are a few options to consider:
The Haveli Haridwar: This luxurious hotel is located on the banks of the Ganges River and offers stunning views of the Himalayas. It features a spa, a swimming pool, and multiple restaurants serving Indian and international cuisine.
Corbett The Kumaon: This elegant hotel is located in the foothills of the Himalayas and offers a variety of outdoor activities, such as nature walks and bird watching. It features a spa, a swimming pool, and multiple restaurants serving Indian and international cuisine.
Radisson Hotel Haridwar: This modern hotel is located in the heart of Haridwar and is close to many of the city’s most popular attractions. It features a spa, a swimming pool, and multiple restaurants serving Indian and international cuisine.
Punjab sindh dharamshala Haridwar
Punjab Sindh Kshetra, also known as Punjab Sindh Dharamshala, is a religious institution that provides affordable stay and meals to pilgrims visiting Haridwar, India. It is located in Bhimgoda, Haridwar, near Jairam Ashram.
The dharamshala offers various amenities including:
- Clean and spacious rooms
- Meals served at the langar (community kitchen)
- CCTV cameras for security
- Hot and clean drinking water
While not a luxurious stay, it provides a comfortable and affordable option for pilgrims visiting Haridwar.
Here are some details and contact information for Punjab Sindh Dharamshala:
- Address:Near Jairam Ashram, Bhimgoda, Haridwar, Uttarakhand 249401, India
Best dharamshala in Haridwar near railway station
Here are a few highly-rated options near the Haridwar Railway Station that cater to various preferences:
- Leela Yatri Niwas:This dharamshala is known for its cleanliness, affordability, and proximity to the railway station (around 600 meters). It offers basic amenities like clean bedding, lockers, and hot water. Rooms are available in both dormitory and individual options.
- Ganga Sagar Yatri Niwas:Located about 1 km from the railway station, this dharamshala provides clean and comfortable rooms at a reasonable price. They offer both AC and non-AC rooms, with some rooms having attached bathrooms. The dharamshala also has a langar (community kitchen) that serves meals at subsidized rates.
Mata Vaishno Devi Dharmshala: This dharamshala is known for its cleanliness, spacious rooms, and peaceful atmosphere. It is located around 1.5 km from the railway station and offers a variety of room options, including single, double, and family rooms. Some rooms also have balconies with views of the surrounding area.
Panchkula dharamshala in haridwar
Panchkula Bhawan: This dharamshala is located in Haripur Kalan, near Motichur Range, Haridwar. It is known for being clean, affordable, and offering basic amenities like comfortable beds, lockers, and hot water. They have rooms in both dormitory and individual options.
Mata Chandi Devi Panchkula Bhawan: This dharamshala is close to the Mata Chandi Devi Temple and Mansa Devi Temple. It offers clean and comfortable rooms at an affordable price.
Yadav dharamshala in Haridwar
There are two main Yadav Dharamshalas in Haridwar:
- Yadav Dharamshala on Delhi Bypass Road:This dharamshala is located near the Delhi Bypass Road, in front of Visvakarma Ghat. It is known for its convenient location and affordability. It offers basic amenities like clean bedding, lockers, and hot water.
- Yadav Dharamshala in Gulab Bagh:This dharamshala is situated near Gyan Lok Colony, Mayapur, in Gulab Bagh. It is known for its peaceful atmosphere and clean rooms. They offer a variety of room options, including single, double, and family rooms.
Birla dharamshala in Haridwar
Birla House Dharamshala: This is a budget-friendly accommodation located around 1 kilometer away from Haridwar Railway Station. They offer AC and non-AC rooms with options for two, three, four, and six beds. While meals are not included, several restaurants are available nearby.
Birla Guest House: This establishment appears to be a hotel rather than a dharamshala, offering various amenities like a terrace, free private parking, and a restaurant. It is situated around 1.7 kilometers away from Har Ki Pauri and 0.6 kilometers from Haridwar Train Station
Birla dharamshala in Haridwar
Birla House Dharamshala: This is a budget-friendly accommodation located around 1 kilometer away from Haridwar Railway Station. They offer AC and non-AC rooms with options for two, three, four, and six beds. While meals are not included, several restaurants are available nearby.
Birla Guest House: This establishment appears to be a hotel rather than a dharamshala, offering various amenities like a terrace, free private parking, and a restaurant. It is situated around 1.7 kilometers away from Har Ki Pauri and 0.6 kilometers from Haridwar Train Station
Haridwar offers a wide range of dharamshalas catering to diverse needs. From budget-friendly options near the railway station to peaceful stays close to temples, you’ll find a dharamshala that suits your preferences and budget. Remember, dharamshalas typically offer basic amenities, so prioritize location, room options, and available facilities when making your choice.
Our Other Websites for Interesting info-
famousvaranasi.com– Book best hotels in Varanasi at cheap rates
incredibleindiaexplore.com – All info about Dharamshala, Temples, Tourist Places, Museum, Shaktipeeth
betterjankari.com – General info on hotels, dharamshala, movies
explorebuddham.com – All info about Buddhist tourism, Places and Temples
explorenationalpark.com – All info about national parks, jungle safari and sanctuary
foodjankari.com – Info about fruits, vegetables, nutrients, benefits
businesstrendo.com – Business related blogs
About Author
Piyush Kumar
We, with our blogs, promotes the traveling lifestyle and helps in guiding people about all the aspects of exploring a new place, shaktipeeth, jyortirlinga, foods, temples, etc.