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September 16, 2024

Short Biography of Stephen Hawking

Short Biography of Stephen Hawking
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Short note on Stephen Hawking

We’ll be sharing Stephen Hawking’s English biography today. Those looking for information about Stephen Hawking in English will find this post greatly helpful. The words used in this article, based on Stephen Hawking’s biography, are also straightforward. The English translation of Stephen Hawking’s biography includes details about his life, including his birthday and birth location.


On January 8, 1942, 300 years after the scientist Galileo Galilei passed away, British cosmologist Stephen William Hawking was born in England. Despite his father’s advice to concentrate on medicine, he went to University College, Oxford, where he studied physics. Hawking continued his studies in cosmology, or the study of the cosmos as a whole, at Cambridge.

Early in 1963, a few months before turning 21, Hawking received a diagnosis of motor neuron disease, often known as Lou Gehrig’s disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) (opens in new tab). His prognosis was for a two-year maximum lifespan. It didn’t seem conceivable that Hawking would finish his degree, yet he did. 

After receiving his Ph.D. in 1966 (Hawking made his Ph.D. thesis online in 2017), he paved new paths for cosmological research over the following decades. Hawking started using a wheelchair as their condition progressed, making him less mobile. Speaking became more complex, and in 1985, an urgent tracheotomy resulted in his complete loss of speech. Hawking could choose his words by moving the muscles in his cheek thanks to a speech-generating device created at Cambridge and a software program.

Hawking first met Jane Wilde shortly before being diagnosed, and the two later got married in 1965. Before divorcing, the couple had three kids. Although he divorced in 2006, Hawking remarried in 1995.


After graduating, Hawking remained in Cambridge, working as a research fellow and then as a professional fellow. He was admitted into the Royal Society, an organization of scientists from around the world, in 1974. He was appointed to the most illustrious academic position in the world, the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, in 1979.

Hawking researched the fundamental principles underlying the cosmos throughout his career. He suggested that as the Big Bang served as the universe’s beginning, it will certainly also serve as its conclusion. By demonstrating that Albert Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity implies that space and time began at the beginning of the universe and finished within black holes, he and his collaborator Roger Penrose demonstrated that Einstein’s theory and quantum theory must be merged.

By combining the two hypotheses, Hawking also discovered that black holes emit radiation rather than being completely dark. By both general relativity and quantum mechanics, he predicted that black holes as small as protons would be produced after the Big Bang.


Hawking wrote widely read books. His debut book, “A Brief History of Time” (opens in new tab), was released in 1988 and quickly became a best-seller throughout the world (10th-anniversary edition: Bantam, 1998). Hawking wanted to answer familiar people’s questions regarding the universe’s creation and demise.

For readers who weren’t scientists, Hawking kept writing nonfiction books. One of these is “A Briefer History of Time” (opens in a new tab), along with “The Grand Design,” “The Universe in a Nutshell,” and “On the Shoulders of Giants.”

George and the Big Bang is one of a fictitious series of novels he and his daughter, Lucy Hawking, wrote for middle school students about the universe’s beginning (Simon & Schuster, 2012).

Hawking appeared on television multiple times, notably as a playing hologram on “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and in a cameo on “Big Bang Theory” (opens in new tab). Stephen Hawking’s Universe(opens in new tab), a documentary miniseries on PBS, explores the cosmologist’s hypotheses.

A biopic on Hawking’s life was published in 2014. The movie, “The Theory of Everything,” won Hawking’s praise and inspired him to consider his own life. Hawking posted on Facebook in November 2014, “Despite being badly crippled, I have succeeded in my scientific job.” “I take a lot of trips, and I’ve gone to Easter Island and Antarctica as well as deep down and in zero gravity. One day, I hope to visit space.”

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